Symud i'r prif gynnwys

Cynhyrchwyd mapiau'r Daily Telegraph gan Geographia Ltd. Sefydlwyd y cwmni gan Alexander Gross yn 1911. Roedd Gross (Grosz yn wreiddiol) yn fewnfudwr o Hwngari a Seisnigodd ei enw, ac a oedd yn gefnogol iawn i’r rhyfel yn erbyn y Pwerau Canolog, yn cynnwys ei famwlad. Roedd Gross yn gynhyrchydd mapiau toreithiog, ac yn cynnwys pob rhan o’r rhyfel, nid y Ffrynt Gorllewinol yn unig.

Cyfres arall ddiddorol yw’r gyfres o fapiau’r Gynhadledd Heddwch a gynhyrchwyd i ddangos gweddau o'r newidiadau tiriogaethol a gynigiwyd yn ystod y trafodaethau heddwch ar ôl y rhyfel.

Mapiau'r Daily Telegraph

Aa 1053: The Daily Telegraph war map of Siberia and the Murman coast

Aa 1054: The Daily Telegraph war map of the German Peace

Aa 1058: The Daily Telegraph No.6 peace conference map of Germany

Aa 1059: The Daily Telegraph No. 5 peace conference map of Alsace - Lorraine

Aa 1060: The Daily Telegraph No.4 peace conference map of Eastern Europe

Aa 1061: The Daily Telegraph [No.1] peace conference map of Europe

Aa 1062: The Daily Telegraph [No.2] peace conference map of the world

Aa 1063: The Daily Telegraph war map of Europe

Aa 1067: The Daily Telegraph map of Germany

Aa 1303: The Daily Telegraph war graves map of the western front

Aa 1557: Peace conference map of Central and South Africa

Ab 2207: Races of Eastern Europe

Aa 1008: The Daily Telegraph picture map of the Dardanelles, Bosporus including the whole of Turkey in Europe

Aa 1009: The Daily Telegraph war map. Showing on a large scale the Italian and Austro-German fighting areas

Aa 1010: The Daily Telegraph war map of Eastern Europe

Aa 1011: The Daily Telegraph war map of Western Europe

Aa 1012: The Daily Telegraph war map of Western Europe

Aa 1013: The Daily Telegraph war map of the naval fighting areas

Aa 1016: The Daily Telegraph war map

Aa 1017: The Daily Telegraph war map

Aa 1018: The Daily Telegraph war map

Aa 1019: The Daily Telegraph war map of the French fighting line

Aa 1020: The Daily Telegraph war map of the Western Balkans

Aa 1021: The Daily Telegraph war map of the French fighting line

Aa 1022: The Daily Telegraph war map of the new British front

Aa 1023: The Daily Telegraph large scale and complete war map ...

Aa 1032: The Daily Telegraph war map of the Eastern Balkans

Aa 1033: The Daily Telegraph war map of the Russian war areas (No. 17.)

Aa 1034: The Daily Telegraph war map of the Belgian and British fronts

Aa 1035: The Daily Telegraph war map of the British advance on the western front

Aa 1036: The Daily Telegraph war map of Palestine

Aa 1037: The Daily Telegraph war map of the British front

Aa 1038: The Daily Telegraph war map of the British front

C21:2 (5): The British front